A collaboration between my customers and I.

I love it when my customers show me how they wear and style dogstar pieces for themselves. They sometimes wear upside down, back to front, they pin the hems or tuck the volume of the skirt to mold and create the shapes to suit their body type and their personality. It's just like shaping pottery, or layering paint on a canvas. The textures and colours of the clothes mix with their body shapes and my customers just love to finish the final look. Sometimes it's so unique I can't recognise that they are dogstar pieces. One day I was waiting for a pedestrian at...
Mr Tuan and Trung

I have known Mr Tuan and Trung for a long time before I started dogstar 20 years ago. They have been dogstar clothing since the beginning. dogstar garments are not easy to make. It often takes time for them to understand how to construct the pieces. Over the last 20 years that we have been working together, they became like my family. Their children have grown up over time. To me it is their hands that created and supported dogstar. Each garment has been carefully made by them and finished beautifully, their thoughts were sewn with each stitch. I just...
Beautiful old sewing machine

This weekend I picked up this beautiful old sewing machine from Brenda, @Thehouseofwindsor. She makes beautiful hats.I had been looking for weeks on ebay, gumtree and other online marketplaces.It was such a coincidence that the sewing machine that I have been looking for was from my friend Brenda. Or was it meant to be? My grandma used to have one of these SINGER foot operated sewing machines ages ago. I remember the sound of the foot going up and down rhythmically when I was a child. My grandma's machine is not as fancy as this one but I remember the...
My Young Team Members!

My Young Team Members! Recently we have invited some young team members into the dogstar fold! As much as I love my current experienced team members I love these young ones too. We made aprons, from Japanese vintage fabric, I have kept these fabrics for more than 10 years!!Don't they look great on it? These aprons are protecting their clothes from our cutting table. They have so much passion and energy!Some of their ideas may seem crazy but that makes dogstar exciting. I love working with them and creating something new. I think you will notice changes in our creations...
My Muses

My Muses How cool do they look?! Here my beautiful team members Alice and Tamara. Alice has been working with us for a quite long time... Many of you have met Alice in our stores. She is not only beautiful and elegant but also has many creative ideas and styles. Especially when it comes to colour she is amazing! Tamara is quite new to us. Although she is already fitting into our look so well, don’t you think? This is the way they style themselves in our Karu Dress and Karu Pants! All dogstar designs are not created by only...
Things Handmade