I used to get mad with my son when he would play computer games for so many hours and didn’t go to bed. It was probably 5 years ago? He used to socialise with his friends playing games all the time. 

He had his favourite games like soccer or fortnite. The problem was that he couldn’t stop playing the games once started. I was so angry with him and I used to remove the whole keyboard and mouse off the computer and take to my work, so he couldn’t play the game until I came home. 

Over time, the computer has accumulated dust and we all forgot about it. Last two years, my son started to get obsessed with the guitar. 

He played several songs over and over practicing the same phrase. Through the wall to his room, I could hear the same repeated melody all night and day. 
Even though I was trying to be patient, I sometimes had to ask him to go on to the next phrase. 

As he grows, this is his last year of high school. He got his P’s and now has his first car, a Mitsubishi Lancer. He doesn’t ask me to take him to the train station when he goes to school. He drives to the station by himself. I started to have my own time. It is kind of strange that suddenly I have my free time, especially in the morning. 

He loves his car. In fact he is a little obsessed with his car. He washes his car and spends time in it. I found that my son has an obsessive personality. Now recently he works with his muffler and changes the sound of the car! I am not sure about this idea. 

He and his friends spent time doing something with the car. Even though his car engine sounds lower and louder, it goes no faster than it did before.

The car is his first step towards independence. I can see his wings unfolding, getting ready to fly. 

As a parent, this moment is truly bitter sweet.

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