KA-CHOU-FU-GETSU is a Japanese term that translates as Flower, Birds, Wind and Moon. The phrase is quite simple and direct, it is a statement that indicates the way we feel towards nature as we age. 

These things are often the focus of young children too, but as we mature we start to notice the little changes in nature and enjoy the transition. It helps us with the reflection of our own life and the transience and impermanence of everything.

I have been spending more time in the garden in the last few days. 

I have loved spending time in my garden early in the morning and talking to all the plants. They are just like my children and I talk to them the way I talked to my children when they were young. 

I wonder how many of you go outside early in the morning or later in the afternoon and enjoy the air outside, noticing the seasonal flowers in your street. Hearing birds that have migrated to your area that were not there a month ago or notice the phases of the moon while the breeze caresses your face.
This year I aim to focus on Ka-chou-fu-getsu. It brings joy, but I often need to remind myself to do so.
It has been, and will continue to be my new year’s resolution from now on.

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