MY BEST TEAM at dogstar.

In the last few months, my dogstar team has been working very hard to get our Spring/Summer collection ready for New York. This is the final week for the completion and it has been a big challenge for all of us to meet the deadline.
Not only that, we have been also working on a uniform for the Queensland Youth Orchestra for their upcoming European tour while collaborating with Queensland's first nation artist Delvene Cockatoo Collins. Sometimes all deadlines come at once and we just have to deal with it.
This season we have done our collection differently to any of the other seasons.
We are working on SS23 for our Australian market as well as SS24 for the US market all at once.
When I originally decided to do the two summer collections at once, I was very concerned if my team members could cope with the pressure. I believe that the success of the collection depends on the team work.
Now we are about to release the collection in NY and the showing starts next week, I was so surprised with my team's calmness. They are all helping each other and supporting each other.
Maybe after it is all done I will be able to sleep for a full night.
Without my team and without my customers, dogstar would not exist.
I am forever grateful to all of you.