Turning the Page

Turning the Page

Last week, I attended my son’s high school graduation. 
My work at dogstar studio in South Brisbane has been so busy in the last few months. With all the activity going on I hadn’t really thought about my son’s high school graduation until that day.
On the morning of the graduation day I was still working and saw my son’s school uniform was still crushed and unpressed. I said to him “Your shirt needs to be ironed”. He says “This is fine mum” as he rolled his eyes.

These days, my children think that they are mature enough and they don’t really need to be told by mum any more. I quickly got myself ready and rushed to the graduation ceremony, my mind was still thinking about my work.

As I turned my phone to silent and walked to a big ceremony hall, the whole place was very quiet and the atmosphere was different to the outside world I had just left.. 


My mind was slowly winding down as I walked inside. On a big screen at the front they showed each student’s photos from now and from when they were little students, with some having been at the school for 13 years!

As all the children’s names were called and each of them went up to the stage to receive their certificates, I recognised the names of some of my son’s old friends but I didn’t recognise some of them as they had grown so much over the last few years.

I felt a hint of sadness thinking that I am not going to be involved so much in his life now. I should celebrate his growth and achievement, all though it is bitter sweet.

Recently we have been disagreeing about things between us. A boy who used to be quiet and not have many opinions now making his own decisions. 

I can only hope that for the next formal occasion, he will at least decide to iron his shirt.

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