Masayo's Stories

Stitched by Hand
Hand stitching on a Kimono I remember my grandma used to make kimonos for my sister and I. They were all made by hand. She sits on tatami floor with a...
Stitched by Hand
Hand stitching on a Kimono I remember my grandma used to make kimonos for my sister and I. They were all made by hand. She sits on tatami floor with a...

Summer Black
Summer Black BLACK has many meanings. It is elegant, mysterious, futuristics and infinite. It is a protective colour in Japan. Some say it is associated with death and aggression but...
Summer Black
Summer Black BLACK has many meanings. It is elegant, mysterious, futuristics and infinite. It is a protective colour in Japan. Some say it is associated with death and aggression but...

Our Embroidered Signature Stamp
dogstar SIGNATURE In Japan, we use a signature stamp/seal instead of writing our signature. Signature stamp has been a part of Japanese culture for a long time. It is actually...
Our Embroidered Signature Stamp
dogstar SIGNATURE In Japan, we use a signature stamp/seal instead of writing our signature. Signature stamp has been a part of Japanese culture for a long time. It is actually...

Hidden from view
A Treasure Box During lockdown this weekend in Brisbane, we have been cleaning up our house and garage. It took a lot longer than we originally planned. We often get...
Hidden from view
A Treasure Box During lockdown this weekend in Brisbane, we have been cleaning up our house and garage. It took a lot longer than we originally planned. We often get...