Weaving Customer Stories into Old Treasures

Weaving Customer Stories into Old Treasures

Often my new designs come from the connection and communication I have with my customers. It's the one thing that I love the most at dogstar and I believe it's what makes us unique. 
I myself often talk with our customers about what they love and dislike about our design and fit. I then reflect with those comments in my next design. dogstar clothes that look great on customers, are comfortable and last for a long, long time. Here is my recent story about my connection with a loyal customer and the process of upcycling her old dogstar piece. 
I received a call from the customer hoping to upcycle her very old dogstar skirt. It is still in perfect condition. The challenge was to increase the size. 
I tried to come up with a new design while keeping the embroidery part. Sometimes we fail at the studio where my sewer and I have a different solution. 
We often come from completely different cultures and experiences and use different techniques to solve the same challenge.
After a few trial and errors, we came up with a completely new design. 
I haven't shown this new skirt to my customer yet but I know she will love it. Now this experience creates a new idea for me. I would love to add this design in my next collection. I love this kind of process. It's not just an alteration, it involves many layers of connection and communication between myself, my team and my customers. This is one of the most enjoyable parts of my work. It's not all about business..
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1 comment

I absolutely love the style and design of the skirt in this email that you are “redesigning”.

Wendy FIsher

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